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dam-l Salvemos el Biobio

Dear friend
        We are writing this letter to ask that you lend  your support to
our urgent campaign.
Within the next few days the National Corporation of Indigenous Development
(CONADI) will have the last word on whether or not the Pehuenche lands at
Alto Biobio, Chile, will unconstitutionally change hands.
If they decide to agree to this happening they will be breaking a
fundamental Indigenous law (art.13) which states that Indigenous lands are
given, without  the threat that that they will be sold or exchanged in any
way, to these peoples. So by consenting to this land exchange they will
also be consenting to the violation of the laws of this country and the
rights of this country's people. Also they will be opening doors to many
more businesses and transnationals who are waiting to exploit these virgin
lands currently inhabited by indigenous people.
CONADI has been under pressure to approve of these changes and if they do
they will be enabling ENDESA (the most powerful national electricity
company) to take the first fatal steps towards building Ralco, an enormous
second reservoir  on the river Biobio.
The National Environment Commission (CONAMA) has already given their
consent to the project and made changes to the plans concerning the
re-housing of the Pehuenche families. These plans, which have not been
agreed to by ENDESA, remain in the hands of CONADI and depend on their
authorization of the initial land exchange.
In October CONDALI will have a meeting after they have been presented with
ENDESA´s project and any alternative plans. The decision lies with them.
The lives of many Pehuenche families and a priceless natural environment
could be affected by their decision. We therefore are reaching out for help
from you to show your support in the defense of the Penhuenche people and
the vast quantity  of natural life which can be found on the shores of the
River Biobio.
Please help us by sending letters or faxes to at least three people on the
following lists. You can contact us by Email at this address:
Many  thanks....

Consejo Nacional.


Justo Zuleta S.
Consejero Conadi                                Fax:  (56 - 55) 33 51 05

Alberto Hotus C.
Consejero Conadi                                Fax:  (56 - 32) 85 42 95

Elias Gomez C.
Consejero Conadi                                Fax:  (56 - 57)  43 55 49

Beatriz Painiqueo
Consejero Conadi                                Fax:   (56 -2) 279 36 00

Francisco Chodiman
Consejero Conadi                                Fax:  (56 - 45) 53 19 09
Juan Huinupi
Consejero Conadi                                Fax:  (56 - 41) 61 10 88

Jose Queupan
Consejero Conadi                                Fax:(56 - 64 )    23 12 40


Domingo Namuncura
Director Nacional de Conadi                     Fax: (56 -2)  632 74 46

Antonio Lara
Subsecretario  Mideplan                         Fax:(56 - 2) 673 09 04

Jaime Perez de Arce
Subsecretario  de Educacion                     Fax:(56 -2)  26710358

Sergio Vergara
Subsecretario de Bienes Nacionales             Fax:(56 -2)  633 93 16

Claudio Huepe
Subsecretario Secretaria General de Gobierno    Fax:(56-2) 690 40 00

Jean Jaques Dubart
Subsecretario de Agricultura                    Fax:(56-2) 671 27 71


Model letter

By means of this letter I would like to express my profound opposition to
the possible construction of the hydroelectric centre Ralco, the second of
a chain of six along the river Biobio.
The construction of Ralco would mean one of the world's most diverse
ecosystems (which is also an ecotono) would be irreparably destroyed. It
would destroy a land which has been wisely and carefully conserved by the
people who currently inhabit  it. The Pehuenche people have lived
harmoniously in this environment for centuries. The construction of Ralco
would place these people and their culture under the serious threat  of
eventual extinction .
Ralco is an uneconomical proposal compared to alternative ideas for
generating energy and those managing the plans have been working behind the
backs of the national community.
Ralco signifies a loss for the growing Chilean democracy from all
perspectives; environmentally, culturally, socially, economically and from
the perspective of democratic participation.
With view to the Indigenous Law 19.253 which prohibits the dispossession of
Indigenous lands, and to the advisors of the National Environment
Commission  who in June 1996 made a sound case against the construction , I
believe that the plans for Ralco should be definitively abandoned.
It seems clear that a new energy-saving policy and alternative sources of
energy production should be created, and that these should have less
damaging environmental effects, and not put at risk, unlike Ralco, cultural

I do not agree with this ecological and ethnological destruction.
I say:
NO to the destruction of Alto Biobio!
NO to the extermination of the Pehuenche people!
YES to new energy saving policies discussed and supported nationally!



GENERACION, is a Chilean ecological-action organization which has developed
an electronic list to spread information concerning their campaign to help
the Pehuenche indigenous peoples and the river Biobio where they live, an
area which is at risk due to unnecessary development plans. if you would
like to receive information please mark the appropriate line;

YES, I would like the information:
a) In Spanish
b) In English

NO,  I don't want the information.