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dam-l conference : plate-forme (fwd)
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From hydroconf@netaxis.qc.ca Fri Nov 14 14:40:47 1997
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To: Conférence Hydro-Québec <hydroconf@netaxis.qc.ca>
From: Conférence Hydro-Québec <hydroconf@netaxis.qc.ca>
Subject: conference : plate-forme
Greetings. Here is the English version after taking into account
everyone's comments. The words in square brackets seem not to meet
with everyone's agreement and will need to be discussed, changed,
or removed. The French version not yet ready, sorry.
See everyone tomorrow, snow or no snow!
* * * * *
Electricity at the Crossroads
We believe that the production and consumption of energy are fundamentally
linked to both human welfare and the health and sustainability of the
natural world in which we live. We believe that human activity in the energy
sector should be governed by the principles of environmental sustainability
and social equity. And we believe that it is now necessary to take
deliberate steps to set our societies on such a course.
Based on our deliberations here in Montréal on 15-16 November 1997, at a
meeting of representatives and persons from many diverse communities in
Québec, Canada, and the United States, we unite in making the following
- We share our environment, the air, water, and the plant and animal species
of our continent. We share the responsibility for its well-being.
- We share an economic system that includes the production and consumption
of energy. We share the responsibility for bringing it into accord with our
long-term goals of sustainability and social equity. The energy
infrastructure, [including the assets of Hydro-Québec] is a public good and
should be managed in the interest of our whole society.
- The [highest and most urgent] priority in the North American energy sector
is the careful husbandry of energy: elimination of waste, reductions in use,
and conversions to more efficient technologies.
- If new generating capacity is built, it should not damage the integrity of
the environment or the welfare of the human communities affected.
[Free-flowing rivers should remain free-flowing, and no further
hydroelectric dams or diversions should be built unless all other avenues
have been exhausted. Coal-burning generation should be phased out as
efficiency measures and renewable sources come on line].
- Economic policies should encourage investment in energy conservation,
followed by renewable energy sources [such as wind, solar, geothermal, and
certain agricultural and forestry products]. [As hydroelectric sites are
limited and comprise essential river habitats, the expansion of
hydroelectricity cannot be considered to be "green" or "renewable"].
- New investments in the energy sector should also lead to socially
equitable results, [including the creation of long-term employment]. All
sectors of society should share fairly in both the costs and benefits, and
new institutional arrangements may be encouraged as necessary.
- The energy sector should be structured so as to allow public oversight
that is responsive to all social sectors and protects the interests of
future generations and the environment.
The present parties urge the government of Québec and the leadership of
Hydro-Québec [to listen to their own citizens and] to adopt the principles
enunciated above. [And to turn away from the recently announced orientations
of "growth-profits- competing in the American market"]. It is only by
encouraging sustainability in each of our societies that we will secure our
common energy future.
préparé le 14 novembre 97 pour le Comité directeur, CCDE