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dam-l biased Maheshwar website of proponent

This site is rather large so I won't include the whole thing.
It should show up as an attachment or else
in Html code which I hope peope can read around.

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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  mahesh.htm
     Date:  8 Mar 1999, 16:04
     Size:  7770 bytes.
     Type:  HTML-text
Title: Shree Maheshwar Hydel Power Corp. Ltd. - Relocation and Rehabilitation
ben-loss.gif (9419 bytes)
Benefits Why
Affected Area Rehabilitation

Benefits of Maheshwar

bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Utilises a hydel resource and is as such cost effective, sustainable, renewable and Eco-friendly.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Is feasible for both base load and peaking power. Hydel capacity in MP is only 846 Mw.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Being run of the river, project will not divert the course of the river.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Valuable Peak power will be generated at rates more economical as compared to other sources.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) It will reduce voltage fluctuations.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Project is first major development in western Nimar.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Reservoir will increase underground water level for nearby wells and pumps.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Assured water supply from Maheshwar will lead to increase in output by 24,000 tonnes of wheat and 14,000 tonnes of cotton.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Assured availability of water and electricity would help in promoting agro- based and food processing industries.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Small scale and cottage industries would also develop based on handlooms, handicrafts and local art-ware.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) There will be a substantial increase in fisheries.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Fishing rights will stay with local people.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Fisheries production may go up to 1,140 metric tonnes per year.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) The catchment area development in Maheshwar would expand areas of greenery and forestland.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Maheshwar will substantially improve the quality of life of the affected people.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) It will radically alter the economic profile of 70% of the population of these villages.
bullet.gif (1206 bytes) Modern civic amenities and basic health care will change life for better while at the same time existing social patterns will be left undisturbed.

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