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dam-l Central American dams (fwd)
----- Forwarded message from Ruth Tiffer -----
From rtiffer@racsa.co.cr Sun May 7 22:58:51 2000
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Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 20:50:53 -0600
From: Ruth Tiffer <rtiffer@racsa.co.cr>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.01 [en] (Win95; I)
To: dianne@sandelman.ocunix.on.ca
Subject: Central American dams
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
I am a limnologist from the Universidad de Costa Rica and I am doing
research in the environmental impacts of dams in the Central American
Region. I have searched our libraries but I am not finding relevant
information in this topic. I was wondering if you happen to have some
information or ideas where I can get this type of information. I am
interested to know the environmental effects of dams such as Cajon,
Chitoy, in the ecosystems.
I deeply appreciate any help.
Sincerely, Ruth Tiffer
----- End of forwarded message from Ruth Tiffer -----