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DAM-L Energy Efficiency Stats for SA firms/LS (fwd)

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Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 15:03:20 -0800
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Subject: Energy Efficiency Stats for SA firms/LS
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Sorry for x-postings! Richard Sherman already sent this to a long list...

Engineering New Oct 20-26, 2000

Energy-efficient focus needed

Lani Holtzhausen
 Engineering News Staff Writer

Initial case-studies into increasing energy efficiency
at three prominent South African companies have revealed that
local corporations could be saving millions of rands a year
by implementing  simple energy-saving strategies.
                     Evaluations into potential energy savings at
Anglogold's Elandskraal
                     gold-mine near Carletonville, South African Breweries'
(SAB) Prospecton
                     brewery in Durban and Sappi's Mandini paper mill showed
a total potential return of about R9-million a year on
investments totalling just more than R5-million.
About 60% of these savings could be made without
significant investment in new capital.

Moreover, none of the energy-saving projects had an
investment payback period of more than a year; the longest payback
period being ten months in the case of SAB.

"We learnt that it is not always large problems but
rather easily-overlooked things that cause energy waste,"
explains SAB Prospecton project engineer Doug Geddes.
 "For example, by replacing a few small faulty valves,
the Durban  brewery will be saving as much as R50 000 a month on
refrigeration  electricity costs," he reports.
                     The three companies, which all have a record of active
energy management, volunteered for the energy audits as part
of the Energy  Efficiency Earnings (3E) strategy, a programme
developed specifically  for South African corporations.
                     The project is being undertaken by Eskom subsidiary
Technical Services International (TSI), the Energy Research
Institute at the
 University of Cape Town, Dutch organisation Novem and
UK energy-efficiency agency Etsu.
                     The European Commission is the main sponsor of the
programme, with
                     additional funding received from the Dutch government,
the South African Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) and
TSI. "This programme has proved that even five-star
operations have room  for improving their energy efficiency," maintains
Geddes.  It has been reported that energy-saving programmes are
in place in all  industrialised countries, mainly as a result of
legislation, the provision
of information and encouragement of energy efficiency
However, as a result of the availability of relatively
cheap energy in
South Africa, energy efficiency has not been a priority
for most local companies until now.
Continued pressure on the price of local energy, the
high price of oil,  the quest for global competitiveness and environmental
considerations have resulted in energy management receiving increased

In a speech read by chief director for nuclear and
renewable energy  Dr Themba Mdlalose at a 3E workshop in Johannesburg in
her absence, DME Minister Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka welcomed
the  programme, adding that South Africa could save between
15% and 20% in energy through such efficiency programmes.
This would increase the country's gross domestic
product by at least 3%.
                     "In South Africa, the energy sector is being redirected
to promote  social and economic responsibility within the realm of
environment  sustainability," she said.
                     "We need to improve the quality of life of the
population on one hand,  while on the other we need to develop an efficient and
internationally  competitive economy.
                     "A key challenge, a convergence needs to be sought, and
the  implementation of sustainable energy efficiency
programmes is certainly one way of achieving that balance," she
                     The 3E strategy uses standard energy management
practice that is
                     actively promoted in Europe, Japan and the US.
                     _Martin Creamer Media

      Lori Pottinger, Director, Southern Africa Program,
        and Editor, World Rivers Review
           International Rivers Network
              1847 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, California 94703, USA
                  Tel. (510) 848 1155   Fax (510) 848 1008

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