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Y2K Satellite Conference this Friday in Ottawa

This Friday, join us for the first program of this inspiring satellite
broadcast series:


“Inviting Leadership: Finding Our Role in Resilient Communities”

When:  		First of three videoconferences is January 22, 1999 at 1pm to 4pm
Where: 		University of Ottawa, Colonel By Bldg, King Edward south of Somerset 
How much?  		Sliding scale, $5 to $15 (cost is $12.50, 
			this is a special arrangement for the Ottawa site)
To register contact:	Terry Cottam (or just show up with your fee)
Phone:  		236-6433
Fax:  			236-6433 (call first) 
e-mail:  		y2k-ottawa@inode.org  

Over 100 communities from the United States and Canada are coming together
in a way that has never happened before around a challenge we've never had
before. While the program is relevant to Y2K preparation, its main
intention is to stimulate community leadership, in general. It is designed
to create an ongoing group with an initial follow-up in April. 

Local Host: OPIRG-Ottawa and Y2k Ottawa, a project of OPIRG-Carleton,
Focus:  "How Y2K can act as an evolutionary driver toward a higher quality
of community"
Purpose: Education, Sharing and a Call to Action

People who come to join this discussion will:
1. talk with others in a conference room for 30 min.
2. watch a satellite program for 45 min.
3. discuss the program and submit group comments by phone (30 min)
4. watch another satellite program on this feedback for 45 min.
5. talk locally about this final broadcast for 30 min
6. later fill out and submit an evaluation form.

Learn background
* Why there will be massive changes and discontinuities in the coming years
* Why growing populations, technology shifts and ecological limitations
will force new directions
* How Y2K issues will open opportunities for choices in changing direction

Gain support:
* Help people and communities cope with potential profound changes 
* Learn about the types of leadership required
* Basic information about most effective leadership styles in community
* Increase individual and community resilience to cope with the
opportunities and difficulties ahead

The program features Robert Theobald and Margaret Wheatley. Theobald is an
internationally known futurist, socioeconomist, and author.  His latest
work “Reworking Success” was recommended by writer Neale
Donald Walsch (Conversations with God) as one of eight books everyone
should read. Margaret Wheatley is the author of “Leadership and the New
Science” (dubbed by Xerox as one of the best management books ever) and
“The Simpler Way”.  She is the Associate Professor of Management at Brigham
Young University and a noted Y2K commentator. 

January 22, 1999: 
The first program presents two main themes:

Why will there be massive changes and discontinuities in coming years, and
how are growing populations, technology shifts and ecological limitations
forcing new directions? How can Y2K issues actually serve as a fulcrum for
fundamental change in societal thinking?

What types of leadership are required to help people in communities cope
with profound changes in priorities and institutional arrangements?
Participants will be encouraged to work in a grassroots fashion over the
next three months and develop new community based approaches to increase
individual and community resilience.  Empowered citizens are ready to cope
with opportunities and difficulties as they emerge and rely less on media
“experts” for their opinions.

April 8, 1999:
This session presents Y2K preparedness issues (food, water storage,
electricity concerns, availability of money, medical needs, etc.).  Can the
year 2000 be looked at as a positive step in human evolution as opposed to a
doomsday sentence?  Perhaps this pending crisis can be used to link our
neighbors and provide an antidote to mass consumerism.  This session
challenges us to look at how higher levels of sustainability can emerge
from the
immediate requirements posed by Y2K dilemmas.

May 26, 1999
This third program could be touted as a “Global Brainstorm”.  View the
spectrum of issues related to resilience at personal, family, community and
ecological levels.  Those who have been working in
communities across North America will share their experience.  This
community think-tank will share their approaches towards resiliency and
generate solutions for one another.

http://www.resilientcommunities.org will serve as a community soap box
throughout the process.  Netizens can keep flow of ideas going and further
enhance relationships with their global neighbors!

Contact: Terry Cottam, 236-6433, y2k-ottawa@inode.org

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