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begins Sunday Oct. 7, 7:00P at Centrepointe House,
380 Centrepointe Dr., Nepean. An 8 week learning circle for those
who wish to explore the new spiritual awakening of our time using
social psychologist, Diarmuid O'Murchu's inspiring, disturbing and
liberating book, "Religion in Exile". Meeting time adjustable.
Cost: $20 for 8 sessions plus text ($27).
Facilitator/registrar: Rev. Rob Campbell, 837-7750 (evenings).

Isobel McGregor
Befriending the Earth
49 Evergreen Drive
Nepean ON   K2H 6C5
Tel/Fax (613) 820-0598

All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons
and daughters of the Earth. Humans do not weave the web of life, they
are merely strands in it.  Whatever they do to the web they do to
- Chief Seattle, 1854 (Adapted).

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