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[OPIRG-EVENTS] "Take the Capital!" Consulta MAY 25 & 26


[First announcement. Please post and forward widely.] 

*** NOTE: This first callout contains general information about the 
Consulta, as well as registration and billeting forms. Please fill them 
out and return them to takethecapital@tao.ca and g8housing@yahoo.com 
respectively as soon as possible. A second callout with a proposed agenda 
and more detailed schedule will be sent out two weeks before the "Take the 
Capital!" Consulta. Stay tuned... *** 

===> "Take the Capital!" Consulta 

--> WHEN?: May 25&26, 2002 
--> WHO?: Affinity groups, organizations, collectives and individuals in 
the Northeast region wanting to share information and work together on 
shared political and organizing principles (outlined below) 
--> FOR MORE INFO: (613) 778-3310 or takethecapital@tao.ca 

On June 26&27, 2002, the Group of Eight (G8) will retreat to the hills 
of Kananaskis for their annual Summit. In accordance with decisions made 
by the assembly at the Northeast Regional Consulta, which was held on 
February 16&17 in Ottawa, activists in the Northeast region have been 
organizing and mobilizing regionally and  locally for "Take the Capital!", 
two days of resistance to the G8 in Ottawa on June 26&27. "Take the 
Capital!" actions will be undertaken in solidarity with demonstrations and 
actions against the G8 in Alberta and worldwide. 

As mandated by the first Consulta, a second Northeast Regional Consulta 
Against the G8 is being convened for May 25&26, 2002, in Ottawa. The 
"Take the Capital!" Consulta is intended to provide a space for the "Take 
the Capital!" organizing committee to share information about the 
organizing process to date. It will also be a context in which affinity 
groups and organizations seeking to get involved in "Take the  Capital!" 
can plug into the basic framework of events planned for June 26&27, share 
their own action plans to the extent that that is useful and co-ordinate 
actions collectively and effectively if they so choose. Special Consulta 
events will include Radical Tours of Ottawa. 

Primarily for sharing information and co-ordinating the "Take the 
Capital!" actions on June 26&27, the second Consulta is part of an 
an ongoing regional effort to reinforce local anti-capitalist, 
anti-imperialist and anti-oppression networks of resistance. 

The Consulta is being called on specific political and organizing 
principles. Those principles are: 

- an analysis that emphasizes a clear anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist 
position against globalization and war; 

- a clear emphasis on anti-oppression organizing and education; 

- a focus on local organizing, as opposed to just going from one big 
protest to another; 

- trying to make genuine links between "anti-globalization" issues and 
local organizing efforts; 

- active support and solidarity for initiatives like the Ontario Common 
Front's economic disruption campaign, or the recent squat project in 

- a respect for a diversity of tactics, and showing solidarity with the 
full scope of resistance in our communities; 

- distrust and skepticism of lobbying efforts, emphasizing instead 
grassroots organizing, popular education and mobilizing; 

- organizing in a non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian fashion, as well as 
within the framework of anti-oppression analysis and action. 

Organizations, affinity groups, collectives and individuals in agreement 
with the above principles are encouraged to attend the Consulta. The 
Consulta is explicitly aiming to build on the above basis of unity, and not 
to fundamentally alter the main political and organizing principles. 
However, the principles will be elaborated and expanded, as part of public 
popular education work. The organizers of the Consulta and of the "Take 
the Capital!" actions have also adopted the hallmarks of the Peoples' Global 
Action network (as modified and accepted at Cochabamba, Bolivia in 
September 2001). The PGA hallmarks are included in the registration form 

Further details and a proposed agenda will be sent out two weeks before 
the "Take the Capital!" Consulta. 

In order to facilitate broad participation, "Take the Capital!" Consulta 
organizers will again aim to subsidize the travel of participants from 
marginalized, poor and underrepresented groups to the best of our ability. 
The Consulta will take place with translation into English, French and 
Spanish. To date, all Consulta spaces are wheelchair accessible. 

To register, please fill out the form below. For more info, please e-mail 
takethecapital@tao.ca or phone 613-778-3310. 



[If you are planning to attend the Consulta, please 
fill out all sections of the registration form below 
and send it to takethecapital@tao.ca. Thanks.] 

---> NAME: 

---> GROUP (affinity group, organization,collective, 
union local, etc.; if applicable): 

---> CITY/TOWN: 


---> When are you planning to arrive? 

---> If you are travelling by car, can you offer a 
lift to others from your area? 

---> Do you require a travel subsidy in order to 
attend the Consulta? 

---> Can you or your group donate money to a travel 
fund to help fund the participation of low-income 
participants, and participants representing 
marginalized groups? 

---> Is there any other info that you think the 
Consulta organizers need to know regarding 

---> 1) Are you attending as a delegate for an 
affinity group, or as an individual? 

[NOTE: Individuals can attend and participate fully, 
but for purposes of decision-making, at this point, 
only delegates will count for consensus or votes. 
Groups are entitled to two delegates, but can also 
include as many observers they think is appropriate.] 

---> 2) If you are a delegate for your affinity 
group, are you attending with other delegates and 
observers from your group? How many? 


The organizing and political principles of the 
"Take the Capital!" Consulta are as follows: 

- an analysis that emphasizes a clear anti-capitalist 
and anti-imperialist position against globalization 
and war; 
- a clear emphasis on anti-oppression organizing and 
- a focus on local organizing, as opposed to just 
going from one big protest to another; 
- trying to make genuine links between "anti-globalization" 
issues and local organizing efforts; 
- active support and solidarity for initiatives like 
the Ontario Common Front's economic disruption 
campaign, or the recent squat project in Montreal; 
- a respect for a diversity of tactics, and showing 
solidarity with the full scope of resistance in our 
- distrust and skepticism of lobbying efforts, 
emphasizing instead grassroots organizing, popular 
education and mobilizing; 
- organizing in a non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian 
fashion, as well as within the framework of anti-oppression 
analysis and action. 

In addition to the political and organizing principles 
outlined above, the organizers of the "Take the Capital!" 
Consulta and Regional Assembly have adopted the hallmarks of 
the Peoples' Global Action network (as modified and accepted at 
Cochabamba, Bolivia in September 2001): 

1. A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism 
and feudalism; all trade agreements, institutions and 
governments that promote destructive globalisation. 

2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and 
discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, 
racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds. We 
embrace the full dignity of all human beings. 

3. A confrontational attitude, since we do not think 
that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased 
and undemocratic organisations, in which transnational 
capital is the only real policy-maker; 

4. A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support 
for social movements' struggles, advocating forms of 
resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed 
peoples' rights, as well as the construction of local 
alternatives to global capitalism. 

5. An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation 
and autonomy. 

---> 3) Are you in agreement with the organizing and 
political principles written above? 

---> 4) If you intend on being a delegate for an 
affinity group or organization, is your organization 
also in agreement with these organizing and 
political principles? If so, was it agreed to by a group 
decision-making process (vote, consensus, etc)? 

[NOTE: We intend to publicize the names of groups 
participating in the Consulta that agree with the 
organizing principles, so please be clear about 

If you want to attend the Consulta, and as an individual you are in 
agreement with the principles but your group might not be, we encourage 
you to form a caucus or affinity group within your larger group with 
likeminded people, and attend as a representative of that caucus or 
affinity group. While we do not want to unduly exclude anyone, by the 
same token, the Consulta is being organized on clearly defined principles. 
The "Take the Capital!" Consulta is not a  meeting for anyone or any group 
that wants to organize  against the G8 in the region, but rather those who 
want to organize within particular organizing and political principles. We 
do not claim that the Consulta is representative of all segments of the 
social justice movement, but rather it's a gathering for people that 
identify with, and organize within, the principles outlined above. 



If you require housing during the Consulta, fill out the form below and 
email it to G8housing@yahoo.ca or call (613) 788-3310.  Please submit only 
one form per group. 

We strongly encourage you to get in touch with your host before arriving in 
Ottawa.  You will be sent your host's contact information as soon as it is 
available. This is to ease the billeting process on the days of the 
Consulta.  It is up to billets and hosts to coordinate meeting. 


---> EMAIL: 

How many people in your group need space? 

What nights do you need billeting for? 
        <FRIDAY>, <SATURDAY> 


        <PETS>, <NO PETS>, <NO PREFERENCE>. 


Send completed forms to G8housing@yahoo.ca or call (613) 788-3310. 

For more info about the "Take the Capital!" Consulta, please e-mail 
takethecapital@tao.ca or phone 613-788-3310. 

For general information about "Take the Capital!" and to read a report from 
the first Northeast Regional Consulta Against the G8, check out 

In solidarity, 
-- the "Take the Capital!" Consulta Organizing Committee 

Ottawa Actions Against the G8 
June 26-27, 2002 
613-788-3310 (messages only) 
on parle francais. 
se habla espanol. 
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