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[OPIRG-EVENTS] COMMUNITY SOCCER (this saturday at 7:00, at Parliament Hill)

All skill levels welcome to....


# # # # Q U I C K L Y # # # #

Saturday the 16 of August at 7:00
Parliament Hill
Bring:  **LOTS of water**, shinpads if you have them, comfy clothes,
friends, fruit

# # # # I N T R O # # # #

In an effort to shape up the activist community of the
Ottawa-Carleton-Outaouais area, Anti-capitalist Community Action's (ACA)
recreation and athletics commitee has scheduled a pickup soccer game for
7pm next saturday (August 16 2003) at Parliament Hill.

We'll make teams and decide on rules when people show up.  Nothing too

If it rains, show up anyways.  Rain is energizing.

Bring anyone who wants to come along and play...  obviously this isn't
limited to "active" people.

Remember it'll come in handy to be able to run more than three minutes
before falling on your face when the revolution comes.  :)

# # # # F A Q # # # #

Q - "Do people actually come out to that?"
A - "Yes."

# # # # # # # #

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