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Re: SPKI meeting at Chicago?


At 02:11 PM 8/18/98 -0400, Steve Bellovin wrote:
>But you're right that it's time to consider where we're going from here.
>Are there major open issues with the current drafts?  It would be nice
>to publish and wind down.


	I had hoped to have what I suspect will be the final revisions before RFC 
to the group by now, but my job change to Intel and move to Portland have 
taken significantly more of my time than I had hoped they would.

	There are a couple of open issues with the current drafts, from 
implementers (especially from Matt Fredette at MIT) and I have those changes 
on the list for this next release.  I have heard nothing from other 
implementors in the form of issues.

	I, at least as much as you, want to publish and wind down.  There are 
multiple implementations out there and we need to test them for 
interoperability and move on to the next stage -- the applications for 
granting and delegating authority.  The current implementations focus on 
testing authority, while the other functions are primitive -- UNIX-like.  
However, the users of those functions (system administrators and end users) 
need good user interfaces.

 - Carl

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|Carl M. Ellison         cme@acm.org     http://www.pobox.com/~cme |
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+--Officer, officer, arrest that man. He's whistling a dirty song.-+