Dr. Charles James RichardsonThis web page is dedicated to the life of Doctor Charles James "Jim" Richardson. (Only when his mother was mad at him was he "Charles James Richardson"). Jim used to complain when his students called him "Sir", as he was never knighted. He was, however, no stranger to chivalry. Jim was born in Calgary, on March 4, 1941. He died peacefully in hospital on October 12, 2003 at the age of 62. Jim received a heart transplant on February 15, 2000. Jim is survived by his mother, Rose Richardson, his wife Jennie Hornosty and former-wife Rona Bloomfield, and his children: Michael (Meaghan), Rebecca (Phil), Jason Hornosty and Justin Hornosty. Jim was the eldest of 7 children: Lynn, Dorothy, Ron, Geoff, Penelope, and Cindy. His books Donations to The Stephen Lewis Foundation, http://www.stephenlewisfoundation.org/ in Jim's memory would be preferred over flowers. |
This page is maintained by Jim's son, Michael. I want to expand it to include all manner of stories about Jim. Please email me with stories, corrections, questions, anecdotes at: mcr@sandelman.ottawa.on.ca. Please keep the subject line so that my spam filter will get it to me faster.
A memorial was held on November 9, 2003 at 2pm. The location was at Memorial Hall, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. (Michael and Rebecca remember running around the place on Friday nights during coffee houses)
Some more information and stats.
Dr. Richardson's major works, (as far as his kids are concerned) are his series of books People, Power and Process and two editions of Sociology for Canadians. Further work includes his divorce mediation study in the mid-1980s.
His list of publications according the National Library of Canada.